I hate people who push their diets on others. But I've come to terms that I'm a pusher. You only live once and I would be remiss if I were to undermine my God given right as a black woman to "tell it like it is."
Problem: People living in our modern Western culture tend to be overfed (on the wrong foods) and malnourished at the same time. We are eating far too few actual nutrients.
Solution: Eat your fruits and vegetables. Tons of them. I eat LOTS of fruit. My body digests it well. Since I was little I've had stomachaches all the time. I am like the Princess and the Pea. If I am under-watered, underfed, under-slept, or over-intoxicated I cannot function. So the easy on my tummy, super thin diet I have that is finally working for me is "If it it." DON'T WORRY ABOUT SUGAR FROM FRUIT!!! or carbs from whole grains.
If you are full of fruit and/or whole grains you'll only eat one donut instead of 7 (or no donuts.) No exaggeration. No Shame. My appetite is huge. Especially for sugar. The body runs on sugar or carbohydrates (the dreaded carbs!) I'm an eater and if you are an eater too, calorically restrictive diets may not add to your quality of life but take away. Thin and miserable sucks. So gorge yourself on fruit and veggies. Literally. I eat tons of fruit a la Durianrider from TheRawVoice on youtube. Then when I want brown rice or corn tortilla, or sweet potato, I eat it. A lot of it. Carbs don't make you fat! Scary but I promise.
I only do gluten free carbs because, guess what, I think I'm gluten sensitive and wheat hurts my tum tum. If I weren't an actor trying to achieve a very low weight I might eat some meat or dairy products. After I finished the pre-requisite gorging on plants to stay slim and healthy that is. But I'm glad I don't because historically, my tummy can't handle it! Record how you feel after you eat an apple. After a cupcake. After a steak. Do you feel energized? Fatigued? Satiated? Tummy trouble? That can help indicate what your digestive system can handle. If you are like a goat and can eat tin cans then cool. I never could. And to be honest, I am curious about the long-term positive effects that an almost "vegan" diet will have on my body. Not sure if I'll stick to it strictly. It's hard to reject someone's homemade meal and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to do so. But I will definitely be mostly plant-based forever! Yay!
Benefits I've experienced are sustainable weight loss, more energy, clearer glowing skin, lighter mood, more creativity, more courage, better rest, less bloating, on and on. Take it from me, The Princess and the Pea. Birds flying high, you know how I feel. But the best part is that for the first time in my life,
I am thin, full, and nourished.
Disclaimer: I don't have the secret to losing weight and maintaining big boobs sooo... Wait. Yes I do. Stuff! But for real. If you don't want to be skinny, add some fats (avocados/coconuts/nuts/seeds/oils). Again my tum hates this so good luck. While adopting a diet free of animal products is not a goal for everyone eating mostly fruits, veggies, and whole grains is the foundation of a great WHOLE FOODS DIET that everyone can benefit from. I've been romancing an off and on vegetarian diet since my teenage years so it is pretty easy for me. But you can add meat to this equation for a more traditional diet and still be healthier than if you were eating pre-packaged processed foods and minimal fruits and veggies.
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