Sunday, November 13, 2011

Top #5 Cowards That Don't Deserve Respect

5.  Jay-Z.  Selling Occupy Wall Street t-shirts with no intention to share profits with protesters.  And he stole my friend's man Jay Shells' design.  No love for other Jays?!  You're known for bum contracts.  Not a good look.  Time to pay up buddy.  Love the music.

4.  Frank Miller (Genius Batman comic-strip guy and writer of Sin City and 300.)  Slams Occupy Wall Street.  "Occupy is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness."  Crazy pants!  Thought you were a do-gooder?!

3.  Joe Paterno and dem.  You lost me at "at risk youth."

2.  Herman Cain.  I knew he had an amazing sense of humor (especially for a conservative) but damn.  A hoax?

1.  Bloomberg.  Tried to shut down protesters.  Now talking about building more private colleges with research programs to stimulate the NYC economy and create jobs.  What about public schools?  One word.  Whatadick.  Speaking of...

Clearly not the top 5 at all b/c I'm missing the more obvious players like Dick Cheney owner of Halliburton.

Addendum 11/16/11 I was wrong.  Bloomberg you really are #1!  12th Richest man.


  1. I wonder if the Hermanator made this list because he is black and conservative? The mainstream media will do whatever it can to undermine any candidate with conservative values. This clip is prime example number 1.

  2. I agree, he is no more conservative than other candidates. He makes the list because of the suspicion of his candidacy being a hoax. It correlates with the growing argument/suspicion that the entire bi-partisan electoral precess is a joke.

  3. LOL. Well if his candidacy is hoax, who is sponsoring it? What would his, her or their objective be in placing a sham black candidate on the Republican ticket? Who would stand to benefit?

  4. Dunno. Maybe a freebie for Obama and Dems to keep the protest movement from growing??
