Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Public Masturbation :/ and Shifting Culture Through Creativity

In my blogpost K.I.M. (Keep it Movin',) I suggested saving your vocal chords when it comes to walk-by street harassment.  But this isn't any more satisfying or productive than standing alone and shouting at the back of someone's head.  Emily May started Hollaback, a new movement combating street harassment.  Hollaback uses cellphone technology that links your cellphone camera directly to 311 to move forward with typically unenforced public policy.  And can potentially be used to address more types of discrimination. 

Hollaback is a limited and controversial example.  Now, I am not for locking up more people involved in what she describes as a non-racially/ non-economically specific crime.  She claims street harassment happens "surprisingly" in all "densely populated areas (Hmmm.  What areas are more densely populated than the hood???)"  Although she is right, no black man has yet to publicly masturbate to me.   They were latino.  JK.  Same thing.  Gender warfare is one of the symptoms of inequity.  I don't want more poor blacks and latinos in prison.  Period.  That's me.  At the same time, victims of sexual harassment should not take one for the team!  But what's most intriguing and impressive to me about Hollaback is not the punishment aspect but the concept of changing culture through raising awareness.  Raising the awareness of 311 to harassment issues that are laughed at and ignored by law enforcement.  And the awareness of offenders,  At this point the goal is to raise awareness that this behavior isn't cool.  If you harass.  Your pic gets snapped.  Etc...  The etc. being the tricky part.  Also, neither is very cultured but harassment and appreciation are two different things.  

In any event, like Obama's election (good, bad, or indifferent,)  like OWS (Yes, I'm linking them again,) this movement shows the power of people who really want to change culture.  Whether in the government or in their lives.  Hit and run sexual harassment can be a very isolating experience.  And by the second time someone is publicly masturbating to you on public transport or giving you the serial killer eyes that say you'd make an excellent throw rug, you may not want to punish them but, "so over it," is also an understatement.  You want to act!  Now I'm not saying get out and vote.  Although, I'mma do that too.  The times are calling us to start and to continue being creative with activism and every aspect of life.  Using our brains, in groups and alone to make change.  People accuse OWS for lacking practicality at this point.  But the creativity and heart is undeniable.  And protesters are utilizing technology and art to spread awareness.

Power of the population.  Or as they used to say, power to the people!

Here is the video

The website:

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